The best way to handle incontinence during pregnancy is to use some natural methods at home. You can record the times of your urinary leakage and begin to train your bladder to go to the bathroom at those times. There are also exercises that may decrease incontinence problems as well. In this situation, you should always be prepared in case you have leakage and talk with your doctor if it seems to be getting worse.
When you first experience incontinence during pregnancy, you should start writing down the exact time you have urinary leaks. After you see a pattern with those times, you can then be sure to go to the bathroom before having leakage. This will help to get your body into a urination routine, which can help to prevent incontinence.
Another thing you might try is to train your bladder. Bladder training is when you begin a routine of going to the bathroom every hour. After a day or two of that routine, you try going as long as 90 minutes before a bathroom break. Then, you can stretch it out to every two hours. The goal is to get your bladder on a schedule to help reduce or prevent incontinence during pregnancy.
Kegel exercises are another way to handle incontinence during pregnancy. Your Kegel muscles are in the wall of the vagina. They are the muscles that help you to stop urinating after you begin. If you strengthen these muscles, it can help to improve incontinence during pregnancy.
To strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, you tighten your muscles for about 10 seconds and then relax them for another 10 seconds. You should continue to do this several times. These exercises can be done anywhere and at anytime.
It helps to have an incontinence preparation kit with you at all times. Your kit should contain incontinence pads, tissues, and an extra pair of pants. Most times, a pantyliner will work fine in case there is some urinary leakage while you are out. If you are having extreme leakage, you may need a thicker pad and a change of clothes.
You should discuss incontinence during pregnancy with your doctor. Many times, it is a minor problem that many pregnant women have, especially towards the end of their pregnancy. Sometimes, it can be a bigger issue. The doctor may have tests run to be sure there is no other medical reason for your incontinence and may provide medication for extreme situations.