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How can I Emotionally Support my Pregnant Wife?

Tricia Christensen
Updated: May 17, 2024
Views: 175,659

You may wonder, as a husband, how you can emotionally support your pregnant wife. Obviously you can’t carry the baby, endure morning sickness for your wife, or go through the many mood swings associated with pregnancy hormones. However, you can support her in a variety of ways that will help her get through a pregnancy feeling confident and ready to become a mom.

Two books on this topic can help you know what to expect when your wife is expecting. These are The Baby Book and How to Be a Father by Dr. William Sears and Martha Sears. They both evaluate the father’s role during a pregnancy, as well as after, and offer excellent advice for supporting your pregnant wife. There are numerous other books and it may make your wife feel better to just know that you are reading a few of them. It signifies you recognize this fantastic change that is occurring, and that you are getting prepared to be a dad, just as your wife prepares to be a mom.

You can support your pregnant wife by knowing what kinds of physical changes she is experiencing, and about the development of the baby. Sometimes pregnant women may feel that they are the “only ones” learning about this stuff while the expectant dad takes a more passive role. Learning together is a type of intimacy that will be very helpful.

However, your wife may not want to get into the details of her pregnancy. She may not want to know how big her uterus is, and she certainly may not want to be told how she should behave or what the books say about how she should be feeling. Respecting your wife’s degree of involvement in the physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy will definitely be more helpful than impassively informing your wife she’s not doing it like the books say.

Mood swings are often a hallmark of pregnancy. You can support your pregnant wife by being a comforter when she needs it, helping to reassure her if this is a first baby that she will be a great mom, and letting her know you are there to help. Other women may want to maintain as much independence as possible during this time. You have to let your wife’s emotions guide you, and maintain open communication with her.

Pregnancy can make one feel quite tired, and one way to support your wife is by participating in a few more chores around the household. Especially if your wife seems wiped out by the pregnancy, offering to help a bit more can give her needed breaks. You also might want to pick up a good book on massage, since massage can be a bonding experience, as well as pain or tension relieving for the pregnant woman.

You can also make things easier on your wife by helping her prepare the "nest" for the new baby by putting together nursery furniture, painting the nursery, etc. Helping your wife shop and register for all the necessary baby gear is also of particular help, especially if it's for the first time.

Financial concerns can be a huge stress for pregnant women. Pregnancy may be a time of uncertainty for the immediate future as well as the long term. Many women fear that they may not be able to work as long as they need to, or may not be able or want to return to work after the baby is born. Child care, medical and educational expenses may be of particular concern as well. You can support your pregnant wife by helping to plan for these expenses, setting and sticking to a new budget, or finding alternate means of making extra money.

Many women fear that they are no longer sexually attractive because they are pregnant. In most cases, pursuing sexual activity is still perfectly healthy. It should never be pushed on a pregnant woman who doesn’t want it, but for some pregnant women it can be greatly satisfying to find their husbands still desire them. Many times, intimate moments together can be of great support to your pregnant wife, since it helps her realize that you still love and desire her.

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Tricia Christensen
By Tricia Christensen
With a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and years of experience as a WiseGeek contributor, Tricia Christensen is based in Northern California and brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to her writing. Her wide-ranging interests include reading, writing, medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion, all of which she incorporates into her informative articles. Tricia is currently working on her first novel.

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Discussion Comments
By anon337066 — On Jun 02, 2013

My wife is about 14 weeks pregnant before we found out I had suspicion that she had been seeing another man. When we found out she was pregnant, she began to have issues related to the pregnancy which landed her in the hospital. I have wanted to confront her about this but I don't want her to lose the baby, mine or not.

I am not saying that I will be the father or dad to another man's child because I will not. I am left feeling like a jerk because I can't take an interest in the pregnancy or the baby because of this. I feel used and I can't get an answer to a question that I am afraid to ask.

By anon302128 — On Nov 07, 2012

It's good to read through all the perspectives, both moms and dads to be. I am currently 5 and a half months pregnant with my second child, and am completely afraid that my husband will resent his new daughter for the stress that we have experienced throughout this pregnancy.

With our first daughter, he was amazing, and I am not sugar-coating anything. He was truly excited about being a dad, and was always there to support me, curious to know what I was going through and how he could help. We took trips together, the sex was great throughout, he would exercise with me and tell me how great I looked, and how attractive he found me. He didn't act like I was incapable of anything because I was pregnant, and stood up to people when they told me to stop landscaping or hiking. I was afraid that I was moody or emotional, and tried to be aware of it at all times, but he constantly told me that I was great.

We decided to have another baby about a year ago, and started trying in November. I conceived in January and lost it in March, on our anniversary (I had kept the pregnancy test a secret and was going to give it to him as his present). My birthday was the following week, and I was down about losing the baby, but knew that it is not rare and that it didn't mean I couldn't have another.

We both decided to try again, and I conceived this child in May. When I found out I was pregnant again, I told him, and his first response was anxiety, stress, worry how we were going to do this and anger at me. He owns his own business and it is very stressful, but we had talked this through and planned it out with additional insurance and we had both been active participants. I was shocked at his reaction, but blew it off and blamed it on his stress level. I figured he would apologize and connect back with me.

Well, I am still waiting for some kind of support, but instead he has become what I can only explain as verbally abusive towards me. I was extremely sick with morning sickness from about week seven through week 13, and then felt fine. However, this morning sickness time period was during the hot summer months and I was in charge of our garden (I tilled the soil on mother's day, did all the design and planted 99 percent of the veggies on my own) and no matter how early I got up to go work in the garden, I couldn't make it through more than an hour of the work. I would get violently sick, and then my 3 year old would wake up and need me. Then the daily chores needed to be attended to, and by the time he got home, I would hear about how lazy I was and how he was sick of having the responsibility of taking care of everything around the house and running a business.

I tried to plan weekend getaways to help us as a family reconnect and escape the stress of home and work, but was ignored by him and when he did listen to a suggestion of mine for weekend getaway, he blew up at me and told me I didn't understand his business and asked how could I ever suggest such a thing.

The next day I had to take him to the emergency room because I had caused him to have stroke-like symptoms, which thankfully turned out to be Bells-Palsy instead. I felt horrible, and apologized and promised I would never do anything like that again. Exactly one week from his blow-up at me for suggesting we spend some time together, he decided to go hiking with a woman we are both friends with, at night for several hours, and didn't bother to tell me where he was with our 3 year old daughter. On this night hike, our friend decided to let my husband know that she and her husband were separated. I had made two phone calls to his phone, and the first was asking when he would be home so I would know when to start dinner, and the other was an hour after he was usually home because I had heard nothing from him for five hours and was making sure that he and our daughter were OK.

When he did finally call me back on his way home, he had my daughter call and tell me to chill out over the phone. When he walked in the door, he was sarcastic, unapologetic and defensive. He had never done anything like that before, and I couldn't eat or sleep for about three days trying to figure out what the hell happened. I vomited three times over the whole incident, but I didn't confront him about it for several weeks as I wanted to get someone else's perspective to make sure that I wasn't hormonally overreacting.

When I finally felt that my emotions were in check, I confronted him about it, and he laughed and told me I was overreacting and that I was being absurd. I was calm when I asked if I needed to be concerned about him pursuing a relationship with our friend, as prior to this hiking incident, he had told me personal information about her that she had told him, things I wasn't really comfortable with, but didn't want to make a big deal about because he was telling me and no flags came up in my head.

I found out from my daughter that he had been to this friend's house with our daughter and had sat and talked with her (I can't assume that it was for any given amount of time, as my child is three and time constraints are not something she can quite understand, but I do know that it was sure enough time for my daughter and this friends son to play with specific numerous toys). In response to my question about a possible affair, or interest in having one with our friend, I was told by my husband that I shouldn't worry about any interest of his towards this woman, as he has had plenty of extremely attractive women make it known that they wanted a sexual relationship with him, and that he wasn't attracted to our friend.

He then proceeded to tell me that I needed to worry about these other women, because many of them were highly successful and offered a hell of lot more than I ever could. I, of course, was extremely hurt and when I started crying, he told me to go ahead and cry like the insecure baby I was, and that if I was so concerned about him leaving, I should do more to make myself more attractive to him. He told me I remind him of his mom, and he is no way attracted to anyone who looks like that. He also informed me that the only time he has been attracted to me in our 11 year relationship was when we didn't live together for three months following the birth of our daughter (because of work) and thus far, I have been a disappointment when it came to being a wife.

This was several months ago, and after several doctor's appointments that he forgot about, I begged him to come to the 20th week to see the ultrasound. He was at first frustrated as he was so busy, but finally agreed. He saw the pictures, went to the bathroom and told me to have a good rest of my day at work. When I got home that evening, he said he felt bad because he hadn't given much thought to the pregnancy until he saw the ultrasound. He says he sort of forgot about it, but how can you forget about something like that when you sleep next to the person it is directly impacting?

He managed to make sure that I knew how large I was getting and how fat I looked compared to the first pregnancy, which is funny because I haven't come close to gaining the amount of weight that I did with the first. He has recently said he cannot stand spending time with me, and that if I don't quit asking or saying what have I done or why don't you like me anymore, any thoughts of mine that he is going to cheat will come true and they will be my fault as I have wished for it.

I am emotionally drained and heartbroken, and I am worried that his issues with me, whatever they are, will be also directed toward this new baby. He is a great father with our daughter, but his work is first priority. Sex has been absent from the relationship and when I try to at least initiate for his pleasure alone, he turns away from me. The baby has been moving for several weeks, but only recently can one feel it from the outside. He happened to rest his hand on my belly one night and the baby moved, and he jerked his hand away and said "Ugh, that's gross!" He loved to feel our first daughter move.

I don't know who this person is that I am now married to, but our future looks horrible. I am trying not to be a downer, and I try to listen to what I can do to make him like me, but it's all one sided, as when I try to talk with him about my feelings (which is very rare, I am not one who wears everything on my shoulder) he rolls his eyes and twists what I a saying and says I am misguided and have not original thought of my own.

Sorry this has gone on for so long, but I really have no one to vent to. If you are an expecting dad to be, and you have done any of the said above, please go home and no matter how much she pushes you away, tell her you love her and apologize, and connect and make time to show her that you want her. I don't have that, and I can tell you that I feel like dirt and the biggest fool.

By anon267309 — On May 09, 2012

I really wish I could support my wife during this time. She's 38 weeks pregnant and is becoming emotionally erratic. Unfortunately, when she is upset she responds by completely shutting me out. I have no idea if I did something to upset her or what the hell is going on because she just refuses to talk to me.

I realize there's nothing I can do when she gets this way so I went to take a walk. I sent her texts letting her know I love her and want to support her however I can. She acknowledges this and then while I'm walking back home, she drives off and won't answer her phone. This is typical behavior when she's upset, even prior to her pregnancy.

I feel like I'm being emotionally abused in this situation by being totally shut out. Am I wrong?

She is clearly depressed at this moment, though earlier in the day she seemed fine. She was like this a lot in the first trimester, had a good second trimester, and I can only assume the change in hormones is completely controlling her like this. I just don't know what to do to help her beyond what I am already doing.

By anon261298 — On Apr 15, 2012

Yes i agree with you all. I am going through the same path, confronting hormonal shifts each passing day!

But guys how dangerous it can be, when someone is not talking but the hormones instead! I wonder!

By amypollick — On Apr 12, 2012

@anon260836: No, I think poster no. 30 thinks the woman is crazy because of how hard she was pushing her best friend to have an abortion, rather than allowing her friend to make her own decisions about what goes on in her own body.

I don't think the poster cares what the friend's views on abortion are. I think he's very concerned about the outcome of his girlfriend's pregnancy, which, as the child's father, is his right.

However, I think their relationship has much larger problems than her pregnancy, and he needs to decide if he wants to go forward with the relationship himself.

I wouldn't want to make the decisions he's facing.

By anon260836 — On Apr 12, 2012

@anon251667, Post 30: Are you saying your girlfriend's friend is crazy just because she believes in a woman's choice to control what happens in her own body?

By anon251667 — On Mar 02, 2012

I'm really glad I stumbled onto this website! I was trying to find out if anyone else out there could help me with a related issue.

My girlfriend is quite a bit younger than me. She's 19 and I'm 27. We'd been together a year when we found out we were pregnant. She was initially devastated and she reconsidered her pro-life stance on abortion and began to consider all of her options the very next day. It was devastating because from the day I met her, I was attracted to her selfless love and gracefulness. This made her look monstrous to me.

Her crazy friend was there immediately to let her know that it was "just a cell" and that it "did not even have a heartbeat yet" and stuff of that nature. She offered to help pay, shared her favorite suction site and even continually reported how lifeless and insignificant our "cell" was at each week's interval.

This crazy friend has been worse than a dagger in my heart and aside from the week my girlfriend had no answer for me, I have handled myself in a way that I think is superhuman. My reaction to her abortion acceptance set me apart from her crazy friend (who, by the way, is dating a felon drug addict fresh out of prison she had never met before who keeps using drugs) and I've had to suffer being labeled the unsupportive one at that time.

She wants this baby now, and my girlfriend is back to her amazing, loving and beautiful self. However, this crazy friend, she loves. She needs. And has told me yesterday she wants this poor soul in the delivery room with us. I am destroyed because I want to support my girlfriend and if she calls out to this abortion supporter, I could fall to pieces.

What can I do? She resentfully and angrily agreed not to have her in the delivery room and I told her that if her heart doesn't side with my heart, her words are not going to be enough for me and I'd have to insist she follow her heart and have the crazy friend there.

I don't want her to do something just because I want her to do it. And I'd really love it if she understood me but she doesn't. She cried in the shower and I went in there and she pushed me away. I sat in the cold trickling of the water until I realized I didn't have much time left to stand up. We both cried and like everything else, she gets all the warm water. She gets everything. She just went ice skating with her ex boyfriend for his birthday. It was harmless, they are weird and he's nothing like me. He's pretty lame, but still, I deal with it. I was OK. I didn't even ask her how it went because it's none of my concern.

And she talks to other guys, she looks at hundreds of photos on facebook of other men and it just makes me laugh because I know she likes men a lot and I'm just glad I'm a man, and that she likes a lot more about me than my good looks. I'm awesome. I hate to say it but it's true.

How do I get through this one? I've been going on and on and I really don't know why, but if you understand some element here or if the story helps to portray the principle, great.

I can't have this crazy friend in the delivery room. I won't even go on double dates with her and her ex-con and my baby. Would you? I'm staying calm but I'm losing it. This could happen, and this could potentially harm me spiritually, emotionally and mentally. This devilish karma will penetrate the steel of my armor. Please help.

By anon251597 — On Mar 01, 2012

My girl is 14 weeks pregnant and now she says she hates me for no reason. I support her, am there for her, but sometimes she doesn't even want to hear my voice.

I'm starting to feel alone. I feel when I need to talk she's not here to listen. I don't mind that too much, but I love this girl, and for her to say she hates me, it hurts. I'm working, doing my best and taking good care of her.

My mind is stressed out. All I want from her is to see I'm here for her and that she will be here for me. When she's in a good mood, I'm scared to talk to her about this. She might leave and go to her mom's house.

By anon228580 — On Nov 09, 2011

I wish my husband would take the time to learn what is happening with me and the growing baby. I know he means well, and honestly I can't help snapping at him one minute and then wanting to cuddle the next.

It's so emotionally difficult for the ladies, especially when there are other children and a house to maintain as well as working full time. I feel so tired and drained, I can't even take my other children to play or manage to even get laundry done.

It's not intentional. I am not lazy, I honestly do not feel well! I wish I had a little more emotional and physical support, and a little excitement. I promise things will get better!

By anon227428 — On Nov 04, 2011

Now I really understand my wife completely. I used to think that she was "pretending" because of the way she acted. Sometimes she just wakes up and doesn't want to talk to me, leaves me in bed alone and leaves home without saying a word. We had a bad argument which made me come to understand her and now am a happy Dad to be. Love you Mo. Hubby Tony.

By amypollick — On Nov 01, 2011

I'd say it largely boils down to a husband telling his wife he loves her every day, and telling her she's beautiful. Even when she feels ugly, having someone say she's beautiful might cheer her up.

Be sympathetic and helpful. This woman is carrying your child, and pregnancy ain't no picnic!

By anon226452 — On Nov 01, 2011

This article helped me a lot to understand my wife's situation. I am suffering from her mood swings and I found the reasons now.

By anon223842 — On Oct 20, 2011

Having gone through all the posts, I now understand why my wife has been acting funny. She suddenly resents me and I cannot even come near her and it has been hell. I accused her of not loving me any more and she makes matters worse by the day. I love her and still desire her but all I get is rebuffed.

By anon209055 — On Aug 25, 2011

My little princess is 21 weeks pregnant. I don't even know how blessed I am. She's been a dream and is really dealing with the changes that are happening inside her physically and emotionally. I'm so proud of her.

Um yes, she does drive me a bit crazy sometimes, but I'm sure she could say a lot worse about me. Things are starting to come together piece by piece, day by day. I hope I will make her and our baby girl happy in every way! She's the best.

By anon175113 — On May 12, 2011

I'm 4 months pregnant and just realized that we have a long way to go to save enough money for the baby. It is a single income household, and I am the one working. This is fine with me except when my husband dismisses my fears with a scoff and refuses to plan together to make sure we are financially ready when the baby comes. I am scared and feel alone without his support.

By anon169792 — On Apr 22, 2011

I am about 14 weeks pregnant now, and he has two girls from a previous relationship, and I have a daughter also. Mine is almost two years old, and his are 7 and 9 years old.

We wanted to have another child "together". So we started trying in December, and in February we found out I was pregnant.

At first, we were both happy, but now that I am getting further along, we are not so happy. As with a lot of Americans, we are struggling financially right now. However, I don't think that this is a good excuse for him being distant and unsupportive.

In addition to that, he has no sympathy for me going through morning sickness, mood swings, emotional breakdowns, etc. I want to be close and feel supported and loved but I don't know how to get it.

We had an argument tonight and he told me to go have an abortion. It broke my heart and I have no idea if we are going to make it through this.

I want us to be happy together. I already experienced one pregnancy alone, and she has never even met her father. I don't want to go through that again. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Sad in West Virginia

By anon164614 — On Apr 01, 2011

My wife is the love of my life. She has only been pregnant for three weeks and I am already burned out. Her mood swings are severe and the simplest conversation will easily spin out of control with a fit of anger and hatred. If I try to calm her down she gets madder because I am "speaking back to her." If I try to remain silent, it is even worse.

She freaked out over the price of a table we are trying to sell and is blaming me for "killing the baby" every time she gets upset. I spoke to a few friends who have children and they say they have never heard of it being this bad. Help!

By anon164155 — On Mar 30, 2011

My amazing partner is 32 weeks pregnant. I would not change a thing about the last 32 weeks. My partner gets more attractive to me every day.

Soon we will have our second child -- another girl.

Yes of course, my partner has been through the mood swings and has felt down, but we are nearly there now and we both consider it has all been worth it.

So all you men who are complaining about your partners, take time to consider how you would feel if you were in the same position as your partners.

Giving birth is not easy and we need to be considerate and understand the emotional turmoil our partners go through. I, for one know, that I could not do it.

So I salute all women who go through this and men, don't expect any plaudits, because we go through nothing compared to our partners.

Next time you decide to moan at your partner or moan to a friend, really think: could you do it?

By anon154748 — On Feb 22, 2011

My fiance and I are expecting our first child, but to me this is my second. We are happy and excited but it seems that he's changed with me since we found out. He doesn't try to understand that I'm very emotional right now and he's definitely not making things easier for me by avoiding me, being distant, and not listening to what I am trying to explain.

I feel like I can't get through to him. I just wish he'd be more supportive with the changes I'm going through and realize that its only for a few months. To all you men who do the complete opposite, my hat is off to you! Hang in there and stand by your women!

By anon150765 — On Feb 08, 2011

My wife and I are having our first baby, and she is 11 weeks along. The morning sickness has subsided, but her emotional ups and downs are starting to become a drain on me.

I try to put all my personal needs on the back burner, even take more time off work nearly every day, just to be there for her when it seems her friends and family only care to talk to her via cell phone text.

No matter how hard I try to make things as easy on her as possible, there is not a day goes by where I don't feel like I'm failing her and she hates me for it.

I pray this part gets easier, or at least eases with time, because I'm about burned out and I can't afford to be, for hers and the baby's sake.

By anon150047 — On Feb 06, 2011

what can i say? I'm going to be a daddy. I'm so proud and I'm ready to deal with whatever is thrown at me by my loving partner. I'll be there through the nine months of mood swings etc., and in the end will have a lovely child and a loving family. I'm so happy.

By anon145710 — On Jan 24, 2011

My partner has never coped very well when I have been through the vulnerable states having two children creates. I'm now four months along with third and have been incredibly sick (nausea) and ended up with pneumonia. My partner has been continuously abusive to me throughout all of this - his anger is out of control (towards the children too). He's telling me I'm selfish, lazy, faking it, useless, pathetic, negative, miserable etc., etc.

He has neglected me and I have lost 1 1/2 stone in weight because he hasn't been feeding me. I've been bed bound for months (peeing in a jar in the corner!).

I understand that this has been a massive strain for him. he has had to become mum and dad in a very short space of time and it's been hard for him to get support from anyone who truly understands his situation, so no wonder he hasn't been able to support me!

Due to our modern day family arrangement - living away from our 'village' we are totally dependent on each other in our family life and it really doesn't work!!

Can men truly understand the needs of a woman during this time? My expectations have had to drop dramatically to take this into account. How can I stay in a relationship with someone who cannot provide me with care in my hour of need, guess I'll be delivering this baby on my own

(yes I am very hormonal and irrational!)

By anon140904 — On Jan 09, 2011

I'm a pregnant woman. I'm sorry if my english is not perfect, because I speak spanish.

i just want to say that i have the same problem with my husband. i love him so much, he is my sun, my everything, but right now my body is experiencing something that i never felt.

This is my first baby and i am excited and happy, and i know my husband is also happy, and worries about being a perfect dad, but i just can't control my emotions sometimes. They are so strong.

Please men, understand that is just nine months. Be patient and you will be rewarded with the love your wife back as it used to be and the love of a new life that is the baby.

I try to explain my husband so he needs to think it's just nine months and I will be the same as I was. Husband, i love you and I'm sorry. Just be patient my love.

By anon137727 — On Dec 28, 2010

My pregnant girlfriend doesn't want to talk to me any more. she says she hates me. What should I do?

By anon132278 — On Dec 06, 2010

i just found out I'm having a baby and I'm so excited. thank you all for your comments. i just want to be the best dad and partner i can be.

By anon130841 — On Nov 30, 2010

Well, my girlfriend has been going from love to hate, lately. I've been trying to balance myself out in supporting her with what she needs even if it is time for herself to reflect alone if need be. The beginning stages of being a daddy is pretty emotionally hard and I hope I make it out alive! Ha, ha, good to see that mood swings like this are common. She has always been an awesome person to me.

Thanks for writing this and also the responses. Kind of doesn't make me feel so helpless and alone.

By anon111520 — On Sep 16, 2010

My partner and I recently found we were pregnant and a few days later went to the doctors (who told us she was actually seven weeks pregnant already). I love my partner so much but sometimes feel left out as the midwife has not yet ever spoken to me at all and my partner only talks to her friends about it all.

I feel left out and never really know whats going on and her mood swings have started up. i can handle it though as i know she is a really amazing and loving woman and i also understand what is happening inside her, but i would like to get more involved in the pregnancy because i currently feel useless.

I need advice on what i should here and also how can i further support my partner.

By anon109180 — On Sep 06, 2010

My wife and I are having our first child. Trying to see if there is more I can do out of concern and love for her, I just read this column. I found I am doing it all.

I ensure my wife will be a great mother. I always let her know how beautiful she is, even though her body is changing. And I am almost finished with the new (baby's) bedroom in the house. I actually find myself falling deeper in love with my wife knowing what she is going through in order to have our child. I feel it is imperative for men to understand what women are actually dealing with. Thank you for your time.

By anon107467 — On Aug 30, 2010

I have to agree with the post up top. I know my wife loves me with as much of her heart as she can without compromising her relationship with christ, but with her hormones talking to her and making her more irritable and my anger management issues and ptsd issues it is real easy to lose sight of how important the baby is to both of us.

Ladies, if you happen to read this keep in mind that although there are men out there who don't do you all right, there are plenty of men who do and will if given the opportunity.

So ladies, if you do have a good guy, go easy on him. I can guarantee he probably means well.

By Justin24 — On Aug 03, 2010

I love my wife very much and she is about four to eight weeks pregnant. Sometimes I feel she wants nothing to do with me and it's confusing to me because I know she is happy with being pregnant and happy with me. However, it's an emotional roller coaster for me because one minute she loves me and hugs and kisses me and the next minute I feel she hates me.

I do understand what is going on with her body and emotions, but women need to understand that the father has feelings too, and wants to be there for their partner and wants to share the experience as much as possible.

I love my wife so much and will do what it takes to make her happy but if there are any pregnant woman who read this, take it easy on your husband/boyfriend because it's very emotional for them too. All my love to my newly pregnant wife and the tiny little baby inside her. I love you both and pray for healthiness. Love Justin

By anon83516 — On May 11, 2010

I really hope my wife stops these thoughts about me and the dreams she had about me. maybe her hormones speaking, not her. I am away from here and we'll be soon be together. what can i do to reassure her and make her feel better. all advice is helpful.

By anon79844 — On Apr 24, 2010

I wish my husband can read this kind of stuff to understand me. But he will not want to be away from the responsibility. Always pregnancy was my task with no husband understanding.

By anon40972 — On Aug 12, 2009

Remember, dads are not inhuman computers either and share the same level of maturity and same level of emotions. Things cannot always be straight and treated at face value in a relationship.

Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen
With a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and years of experience as a WiseGeek contributor, Tricia...
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