Pain relievers are often helpful for taking care of soreness after a root canal. If your dentist has prescribed a pain reliever for you, taking it within one hour of leaving his office may help you to avoid pain and soreness. Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen may prove helpful for this purpose as well. You may also find that eating soft foods, chewing on the opposite side of the mouth, and avoiding eating or drinking foods that are extremely hot or cold may help. Additionally, you may avoid hard brushing in the area until the soreness subsides and use an ice pack to help minimize your discomfort.
One of the best ways to deal with the initial soreness that is common after a root canal is with the use of a pain reliever. Your dentist may prescribe a pain reliever, and taking it within an hour of the root canal procedure may help you to head off discomfort before it begins. If your dentist does not prescribe pain medication for your use, you may relieve soreness with an over-the-counter medication. For example, you may find that acetaminophen or ibuprofen helps you stay comfortable. As with prescription pain medication, you may benefit most if you take it within an hour of the root canal.
In addition to pain medication, taking care with how and what you eat may prove helpful. For example, for the first day or two after a root canal, you may benefit by consuming softer foods that are less likely to irritate your mouth. You may also do well to avoid temperature extremes during the initial days after treatment. In many cases, consuming foods or drinks that are very hot or very cold will only make the soreness you feel worse. Likewise, you may help minimize soreness after a root canal by concentrating on chewing on the side of the mouth that is opposite the one on which you had the root canal.
Sometimes taking external measures may help to relieve soreness after a root canal. For example, you may benefit from applying an ice pack to your cheek. Warm compresses may prove helpful as well.
Overly energetic tooth brushing may make the soreness after a root canal worse. To give your tender gum tissue a chance to heal, you may do well to use a softer, slower brushing technique for the first couple of days after a root canal. You may even consider switching to a softer toothbrush temporarily.