Other than developing an immunity to some types of hepatitis, avoiding exposure is one way to prevent getting the infection. Not visiting countries well known to have widespread hepatitis, cooking food yourself, and being careful about what possessions you share with others can go a long way in preventing exposure to hepatitis. Young adults in particular are in danger of catching hepatitis A due to their growing frequency of travel away from developed countries and into developing ones where hepatitis A is abundant in the food and water. Following safety standards when washing, preparing, and cooking your own food can also prevent exposure to hepatitis A. Hepatitis B and C are commonly spread through infected blood, and avoiding exposure can be as simple as not sharing anything that may be contaminated with someone else’s blood.
Some developing regions, such as Central and South America, have high rates of hepatitis A. Avoiding exposure to hepatitis generally means not visiting these regions at all due to how widespread the infection typically is. If you decide to travel anyway, note that you cannot normally identify someone with hepatitis because the symptoms are often few to none at all.
One way to get hepatitis A is by ingesting food that has been contaminated with it. Therefore, a viable way to avoid exposure to hepatitis A is by taking steps to make sure that the food you consume is not contaminated. One such step you can take is to avoid consuming raw produce, or if you are preparing it yourself, to clean the produce with an appropriate cleansing solution before consuming it. Not consuming foods that are prepared by other people within regions that are prone to this type of hepatitis can be an invaluable way to avoid hepatitis. If you keep food within your control after acquiring it and clean it properly before consuming it, you can drastically reduce the chances of being exposed to hepatitis A.
To avoid exposure to hepatitis B and C, never share needles, razors, or other items that have even a slim chance of being contaminated with infected blood that might be able to enter your own bloodstream. As for B, which can also be transmitted through bodily fluids, it is important to practice safe sex and not engage in anal-oral contact. Immunization is normally recommended for those who may experience exposure to hepatitis A and B, but a vaccination is not available for C.