Circuit training is an example of a daily exercise plan that is designed to improve general health in several ways. Along with improving stamina and general body strength, a balanced program can also help you to safely and incrementally losing weight. By definition, this type of workout will include exercises that address all portions of the body. It will include endurance exercises, aerobic exercises, and allow for interval training to address specific areas of emphasis. The result is a workable program that provides solid strength training, a credible cardiovascular workout, and stretching aerobics that help keep the muscles of the legs, arms, and torso flexible.
Engaging in a circuit training program does not require a gym membership, nor is there a need for purchasing a lot of workout equipment. In fact, anyone can design an effective program and carry it out in the privacy of his or her home. Beginners can start out with a series of exercises that will take roughly 45 minutes to accomplish.
You can begin a training program with walking at a brisk pace for roughly five minutes. The walking can take place on a treadmill, although a brisk walk around the block will serve the same purpose. Walking is a great way to prepare your body for other forms of exercise, as well as being an easy way to get in the mood for working out. You should follow up the walking with five minutes of a slightly more aggressive cardiovascular exercise, which could take the form of jogging, cycling, or walking at a faster pace.
The next phase should be a series of somewhat intense exercises that are performed for roughly one minute each. Some suggestions for this phase are old fashioned push-ups, deep knee bends, jumping jacks (sometimes referred to as straddle hops), and toe touches. The important thing to remember is to include enough of these types of exercises to fill a total of seven minutes. You should be more concerned with the duration than the number of repetitions at first. The point of this series of exercises is to maintain the momentum that started with the warm up walking and the more intense cardiovascular activity that made up the first ten minutes of the workout.
Follow up the round of seven exercises with a switch to more cardio-based work. This five minute session could include such activities as jumping rope, doing step aerobics with some music, or even something like kickboxing. Move directly into a second round of seven one-minute exercises, varying the order from the previous seven minute set.
Finally, you'll need to cool down. For this final leg of the circuit training program, some simple stretching exercises will work well, or perhaps another five minute brisk walk around the block. By including a short phase of cooling down, you allow you heart rate to gradually return to normal, and allow the muscles to incrementally adjust to the change in activity. This simple home training program will burn excess calories, strengthen the metabolism, and work with a balanced diet to help you achieve a healthy level of weight, as well as toning the body and increasing your energy level.