The aphid, a type of insect that lives off the sap of plants, is born pregnant. Aphids reproduce parthenogenetically, meaning that there is no need for sexual contact. Instead, aphids are born with viable eggs in their bodies, and they give birth to live nymphs. Aphids typically start giving birth after having lived 10-14 days.
More about unusual reproduction:
- There is evidence that naked mole rats produce male or female sperm in response to a colony's need for one sex over the other.
- Unlike most other animals, male seahorses become pregnant. They carry their fetuses in brooding pouches.
- Fetus in fetu is a condition in which an animal, human or non-human, absorbs the body of a twin while still in the mother's uterus. These cases are very rare, although one is occasionally discovered when a person has surgery to remove a lump or tumor and doctors realize that the mass is actually an undeveloped fetus.