Several types of student job placement exist: job placement for high school students, full-time college students, part-time college students, and college graduates. The reason so many types of student job placement exist is because various students have various needs during and after schooling. A high school student, for example, may not be old enough to hold a job legally, and those that are old enough to hold jobs legally may need to have their work hours limited by law to ensure their student's studies do not suffer.
Summer jobs for high school students require a different type of student job placement. Many students work full time during the summer because they will not have any other commitments to schooling during this time. It is best to place a student in a job that pays at least minimum wage, and in jobs that do not require specific training that can take a long time to complete. Most students do not have a lot of work experience at this level, so they may not be qualified for jobs that offer more responsibility and better pay.
Student job placement for college students may be a bit different. A part-time college student may be able to work full or part time, and it is ideal to place students in jobs that are relevant to the degree being earned. If this is not possible, it is a good idea to find jobs that feature flexible schedules and low responsibility; this allows the student to earn money for living expenses while still making time for classes and studies. Work study positions are good options for student job placement, especially if the student is attending school full time. Such jobs allow the student to earn money or, in some cases, get money taken off tuition charges.
Right before a student graduates from college, he or she may consult a student job placement advisor on campus. This person will help the student write a resumé and figure out where to send the document in hopes of finding a job. The expert will analyze the student's education and relevant experience in order to guide that student toward potential job opportunities. The best jobs out of college will pay a livable wage while allowing the student upward mobility in the professional setting. Entry level jobs tend to pay less money, but the student can gain valuable work experience during this phase of his or her career.